Saturday, January 31, 2009

link to pictures

I've just met my colleague from the Netherlands, she is making a blog too, with lots of pictures, If you want to have a look at our house you can have a look at her site


  1. Hi Davide!

    Found your blog too, nice stories, I'm hoping to visit New Haven soon too...

    My next posts will be a bit more wordy (unfortunately for the non-dutch speakers) but there will still be pictures.

    The banshee in the radiators is at it again, I hope she'll keep quiet when I try to sleep ;)

  2. Quite wordy your last one actually, but lots of nice pictures, thanks for sharing, davide

  3. hola cariño
    your new house is practically identical to my apartment in Brunswick, Maine,
    from your pictures-chronicle, I feel this deja-vù constantly: it feels like a dream described later with too accurate details, sensations and even the taste...quite surreal, a secuence in white, beautiful and quiet
    much love
