Friday, January 30, 2009

consumer culture, material boy

How much stuff do we need (and not) to just live our lives? I have been in the US for exactly a month now, as I am packing my stuff to go to Farmington this afternoon, I am looking at what things have added themselves to my belongings. How much was I able to collect in one month? what went lost? here is a complete list to the use of future historians: * = things I have received

more durable items

electrical transformer from 110 t0 220
I swimming pants
a pair of snickers
a cellphone
two sim cards
cable vga
cable audio
1 2gb flashdrive *


4 blank dvd discs ( I needed one but the smallest was a 5 pack)
I shower gel
adesive tape
a lighter
1 packed roll of toilet paper
washing powder
cough syrup (when I arrived I was a bit ill)
a copy book

Edible stuff I bought and am taking with me

tea *
salt 1 pound
vitamin c tablets
soya lecitin tablets
curry powder
ginger powder
soya souce
2 bananas
fresh onions
5 onions
6 lemons
olive oil
rice 1/2 pound
black beans 1 pound
lentils 1 pound
green beens 1 pound
4 carrots
Peanut butter *


an SSN Social Security Number
two envelopes of printed research paper
I folder with paper stuff from the YCBA *
I passport size leather folder from Yale university *

things that have hitherto left my belongings

2 or 3 pairs of socks
1 t-shirt
1 towel (misteriously disappeared from the laundry room)
1 scarf (I left it somewhere)

items on hold

a 9 cell battery fo my netbook (not yet arrived)
my EZLN boots from chiapas, (to a repair shop)

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