Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Settling up

I've been very busy these past two days starting up in LA. I've got a badge for the library, I've paid my subscription to Caltech swimming pool, and set up a bank account, my netflix movies have started to arrive. By my third morning here, I have my (free) way in and out of the Huntington Library pretty well set up. From the radio on the car, LA talks to you like you would expect, cosmetic surgery, smile set up, hair transplants, the show business and the economic crisis. Public radio stations talk about environment, central american politics, water and waste management. Yesterday, I thought I should wash the car that was extremely dirty after the snowy areas in the Rocky Mountains, I enter one of the places and I found out that was not a self service. Going beyond my initial shame, I had the car washed and polished. First time in my life.


  1. uau, che bel viaggio, e che sollievo che tu sia arrivato a destinazione! ancora complimenti per l'avventurblog on the road. saluti da L.C.T (Lugano Canton Ticino)

  2. ....non ce la facevi più? troppa ansia? o preoccupazione? l'altro tuo commento mi aveva intrigato, dato che non credo alle trasformazioni, ma è vero che nel corso del viaggio avevo acquisito una certa sicurezza. Una delle immagini che mi venivano alla mente di tanto in tanto era di me che uscivo dalla auto in stampelle, per fare benzina, per andare al motel. Molto filmico e onirico. Chissà che vuol dire...
