Friday, March 6, 2009

Enlist for your free fistful of navajo land!!! a non-virtual souvenir of this drive together

Dear friends,

you presence as readers of this diary has been very important for me. All along my journey I have felt your presence and your affection. It has provided me with eyes and a voice and some of the strenght needed to drive 8, 9, 10 hours per day. Maybe this condition of togetherness at a distance is very congenial to me....I have never felt alone. Quite the contrary, it was like the car was full of people.
As I was collecting the land from Navajo Springs in a large envelope, I thought that as a tangible sign of my sincere gratitude I could offer you a small souvenir of this trip. Thus, if you fancy receiving one fistful (what else?:) of Navajo land, and you are not ashamed of tacky ideas, I will gladly sent it to you in an envelope. Just write a comment or send your address to

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