At the moment everything is very green, it seems that by october is very dry and there is a significant danger of fires.
Opuntia Indian figs, originary of mexico and very common in sicily and in the mediterranean, are quite common in this area too, as you can see, for instance, in this house

As you climb the hills the view towards the south shows the urban area of Pasadena and surroundings. Pasadena alone makes for about 150.000 inhabitants. Pasadena downtown is that urban white area quite far at the back,

downtown LA is hardly visible in the mist behind the hills quite far in the background. It took about a couple of hours to get up and down again. I managed to get home at 1 pm for the start of the Motogp, but as you know it was raining cats and dogs in Qatar and the race was postponed. I took a nap and then went with John to the movies. We watched Sugar,
a movie on dominican young people, would be baseball player, who immigrate in the US. An very good movie, we watched it at ArcLight on Hollywood Bd. One of the producers showed up after the screening and did a Q and A session (questions and answers).
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